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<<< This here is MsChaotic (CCO) an avid gamer and cosplayer alike. MsChaotic has be cosplaying for a total of 3 years and 2015 is her first year of competition, going all out and entering 4 comps all up. 


MsChaotic is the creative side of AlterEgo, any creative decisions to do with the website, marketing etc. is her domain.

<<< This here is Velliselle (CFO).  Although she has recently become an avid console gamer she has always been interested in tabletop gaming and is an avid painter of figurines. She has been cosplaying for a total of 2 years and 2014 was her first year of competing. 


Velliselle is the Admin and financial side of AlterEgo, whenever you submit an order or enquiry she will be the one you deal with.

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